Grace Baptist Church of Morgan Hill (formerly Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Silicon Valley) was organized on June 19, 1994 with twenty members, who covenanted together as a distinct, local body of Christ for their mutual edification (Eph. 4:11-16) and the evangelism of the unconverted (Matt. 28:18-20). The First and Second London Baptist Confessions of Faith were taken as the general expression of the assembly’s doctrinal convictions, identifying the church with the biblical and historic faith of the Regular or Particular Baptists, commonly called “Calvinistic.” The church then being scripturally and duly constituted, extended a unanimous call to Dr. William R. Downing to be their Pastor. The call was willingly and humbly accepted.
Upon Dr. Downing’s retirement in December 2021, Pastors Jim Billings and Stephen Louis humbly accepted the call from the church to become his successors. Both pastors commenced their ministry in January 2022.